Integrating Therapy into Everyday Learning at Havern School: A Unique Approach to Neurodiverse Education

At Havern School, we've pioneered an educational model that stands out for its integration of speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, and social skills instruction directly into our neurodiverse students’ daily schedules. This seamless blend of specialized support within the school day is unique and brings immense benefits to our students, their families, and our educators. Let's explore how this approach makes a difference in the educational journey of our students.

The Havern Approach: A Holistic Educational Experience

  • Integrated Therapy as a Core Element: Unlike traditional settings where therapy might be an adjunct or external part of a student’s routine, at Havern School, therapies are woven into the fabric of each day. This means that students receive consistent, ongoing support tailored to their individual needs without having to leave the school environment.

  • Customized Learning and Support: Our model ensures that each student's educational plan includes specific strategies and interventions from speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, and social skills instructors. This collaboration results in a more cohesive learning experience, addressing the whole child.

The Benefits for Students

  • Consistency and Comfort: The integration of these therapies within the school day provides a consistent and predictable structure, vital for many neurodiverse learners. It minimizes disruptions and helps students feel more secure and focused on their learning.

  • Real-Time Application of Skills: Students get to apply the skills they learn in therapy immediately in their classroom setting. Whether it's a speech exercise or an occupational therapy technique, the immediate application in a real-world setting reinforces learning.

  • Peer Learning and Interaction: Learning and growing alongside peers offer invaluable social interaction and normalizes the experience of receiving additional support. Students learn from each other, foster friendships, and develop social skills in a natural setting.

Benefits for Families

  • Streamlined Support: For families, the integrated approach means fewer appointments to juggle outside of school hours. This not only reduces logistical challenges but also ensures that therapies are not missed due to external scheduling conflicts.

  • Comprehensive Understanding: Parents receive insights and updates from a team of professionals who observe and interact with their child in a variety of contexts throughout the school day. This comprehensive view aids in understanding their child's progress and challenges.

  • Family Involvement and Empowerment: Regular communication and collaboration with the school's multidisciplinary team empower parents to be active participants in their child’s development and education.

Benefits for Educators

  • Collaborative Teaching Environment: Teachers at Havern work alongside therapists, allowing for a multi-disciplinary approach to education. This collaboration enhances their ability to meet each student's unique needs and adapt teaching strategies accordingly.

  • Professional Growth and Learning: Regular interaction with specialists in speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, and social skills instruction provides teachers with ongoing professional development and a deeper understanding of neurodiversity.

  • Enhanced Classroom Dynamics: The integrated approach leads to a more inclusive and dynamic classroom environment, where all students receive the support they need within the group setting, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect.

At Havern School, the integration of specialized therapies into the daily school routine is more than just a program; it's a philosophy that embraces and supports the unique learning paths of neurodiverse students. This approach not only benefits our students in their academic and social development but also supports families and enriches our teachers’ professional experience. It's a testament to our commitment to providing a comprehensive, inclusive, and supportive educational environment for every student.


Empowering Neurodiverse Children: Self-Advocacy in Action at Havern School


Finding the Right Fit: A Havern Parent’s Experience